the graphics werent that great and the system was.... ehhh
the graphics werent that great and the system was.... ehhh
way tooo fast
it sounds like a good game and everything, but things just move WAY too fast man,
its very annoying
it needs a story/camping. it needs more customization, and even on easy, i still dont get how to change the direction the bomb goes in after it has already started to go to your side. if it goes up to high, it impossible to deflect.
i really didnt like it that much... it needs upgrades from xp....
it was okay. the sliding when you land was annoying and they jumping phsyics was kinda unrealistic. not to mention, it runs down way to fast at first. you have tyo die about 20 times before you really get the hang of it, and contstantly losing makes it a bit of a turnoff for most people. overall though, smooth graphics, decent music, 6/10
insane hard....
dude, way too hard man
im liking it
very good. a bit overannoying. i think it would be better if it would have fewer traps at the begining, and have them increase later on
short and sweet. nice.
I love tbs games, but i found it kind of hard to get into this one. i understand the bland nature of it was to be funny, but it went a bit too far... it was like a boring version of heroscape or something. . .
XD Hey! I love flash, i use it a lot, although i rarely upload anything because, well, it's hard for me to stay focused on one project at a time... my favorite kinds of lash are parodies, my favorite bands are slipknot, amon armarth, and lamb of god. ^^
Joined on 5/5/07